

FASHION IMAGE 4 credits ECTS / Semestral / 4 hours per week

The knowledge of image in fashion IS fundamental in the training of the fashion designer. Knowing the theories of perception and the laws that explain it, the language, the expression and the sensation applied to the fashion image, is essential for professionals in the sector.

Fashion in art and communication, as well as fashion branding are also an important part in the training of future professionals.

The creation of the concept of fashion image, semiotics of the image, archetypes and stereotypes in the analysis and criticism of trends, as well as their subsequent dissemination will be addressed in the subject with a special incidence.

INTEGRATED DIGITAL PROJECT 8 credits ECTS / Semestral / 6 hours per week

It is a subject with a finalist character, very oriented to the production and digital diffusion of the students’ own works and their professional image. Part of the fact that the student is previously trained for the production of images and elements of project communication, but that he needs the advanced digital tools for the realization of a digital final art and its introduction in digital media, social networks and forums.

The subject aims to guide the definition of the student’s professional profile and facilitate the completion of their personal portfolio, understood as a project that evidences their educational development and serves as an instrument of professional presentation.

STYLE, FASHION AND COMMUNICATION 5 credits ECTS / Semestral / 5 hours per week

The Style, Fashion and Communication subject is of a semester nature. It is developed in the first semester of the 4th year of studies and is a compulsory subject of the specialty of Fashion Design. It has 5 ECTS and 5 hours per week. This subject belongs to the subject of style and is intended for training and job training of future fashion stylists, creators of style; stylists linked to the companies of communication and sale of fashion products. The subject has as objectives: on the one hand to develop in the student the practical capacities for the design and the creation of the fashion images destined to the sale of design products, on the other hand the presentation of the labor framework where the figure of the fashion stylist, and finally the aesthetic research from the collections made in design for the realization of a personal style proposal.

The study of fashion photography and fashion communication; makes his relationship with the subject of fashion and photography image essential and enriching for the development of it.

PERFORMING ARTS AND AUDIOVISUAL MEDIA STYLE 6 credits ECTS / Semestral / 6 hours per week

The subject addresses the work of the designer / costume stylist from the processes of the fashion designer but in relation to languages and work processes of professional areas related to the performing arts and audiovisual media.

This change of register is defined mainly by the conditioning factors of these media on the one hand at the level of language and dialogue with a text or script. And on the other hand, the subject is defined in terms of organization and adaptation of work to larger projects aimed at responding to needs of industries and specific aesthetic and production approaches.

FASHION PRODUCT. ORGANIZATION AND CONTROL 2 credits ECTS / Semestral / 2 hours per week

The subject “Fashion Organization and Control of Fashion Product” is a compulsory subject of the specialty, theoretical / practical, within the subject of Fashion Design Management.

The objective is to prepare students in the professional field of fashion as well as their training for the qualified performance of the different professions and activities related to this sector, providing them with a polyvalent training that allows them to develop an activity at work and business level.

It is intended to facilitate students the acquisition of knowledge, skills, as well as knowledge of the use of documentary and technical resources, both at work and for the development of a proposal to create a company that helps them analyze and understand the complexity and the potential of the fashion system.

FASHION MARKETING 3 credits ECTS / Semestral / 2 hours per week

Fashion Marketing is a subject of basic and theoretical training in the field of Design Management.

This subject aims to provide students with the knowledge necessary to make strategic marketing decisions, based on an analysis of the market and the environment.

Likewise, it analyzes the determining role that marketing has in the fashion industry since this discipline makes up a lot of the strategic and creative decisions concerning the design and development of the product, marketing as an integral system that connects the commercial objectives and the value system of a business organization with the ideals, individual desires and real needs of consumers.

Marketing operates at all levels of the fashion system, affects the entire supply chain of the sector from product development to retail is as relevant to haute couture as mass fashion.

This subject offers a global vision of the fundamental theoretical principles of marketing and the application of branding, with an exhaustive analysis of the marketing process from initial research to the creation of marketing and branding campaigns.

FLAMENCO FASHION 8 credits ECTS / Semestral / 5 hours per week

The Fashion and Communication Styling subject is developed in the first semester of the 4th year of studies and is an optional subject of the specialty of Fashion Design. The subject is developed through 8 ECTS and 5 hours per week. This subject belongs to the subject of pattern design and confection and is intended for the training and job training of future designers of flamenco fashion, the creators of style; stylists linked to the companies of communication and sale of fashion products. Its objectives are: on the one hand to develop in the student the practical and technical skills for the creation of flamenco fashion intended for sale, on the other hand the presentation of the work framework where the figure of the fashion designer is framed, and finally the aesthetic research from the collections made in design for the realization of a personal style proposal.

FASHION FILM 8 credits ECTS / Semestral / 5 hours per week

The Fashion Films have created a new visual concept that provides support to fashion brands. The knowledge of visual tools in fashion is fundamental in the training of its professionals. Knowing their theories, language and expression, is essential for the marketing and dissemination of works and collections, allowing launching a product under an innovative concept.

The creation will be approached in the subject with a special incidence, of fashion audiovisuals through narrative resources, the script and storyboard, casting of actors and actresses, filming and video editing, as well as their subsequent communication and dissemination.

PRINTING WORKSHOP II: TECHNIQUES AND PROCESSES 8 credits ECTS / Semestral / 5 hours per week

Print Workshop II: techniques and processes, is an optional subject, belonging to the area of Materials and technology applied to fashion design, is taught throughout the first semester and has five hours per week and will allow those students who choose, deepen in the analysis and design of prints and develop the different printing systems they know, expanding the approaches initiated the previous course.

Likewise, it will make possible the interaction of the different knowledge and skills acquired by the students in other subjects, being able to make use of photographic, graphic design and drawing techniques for their application in the practice of textile design and printing.

Stamping Workshop 2 will try to provide the necessary resources to apply the techniques of textile stamping in the personal project of each student.

TFE END OF COURSE PROJECT 12 credits ECTS / Semestral / 5 hours per week

The Final Project is conceived, from the academic point of view, as a subject of the Plan of Studies and will be carried out in the final phase of it.

As an objective, it pursues the realization of a project that develops a practical case of professional character that incorporates the totality of knowledge and competences acquired by the student throughout his training.

The TFE can be done individually, although it has required working with other professionals or partners for the different phases of it; or in a group, provided that it is authorized by the ETCP of the center, according to its complexity and the required dedication. In the case that is done as a team, each student must be responsible for a well-defined part and its authorship must be clearly reflected in the report. Likewise, each one of the members of the team must know in depth the totality of the work, justifying the purpose of doing it in a group and the final conclusions obtained in this group modality.

EXTERN INTERNSHIP 12 credits ECTS / Semestral / 25 hours per week